On the road to Barriye, we collect all the cheap dyes and dates we can. The cattle are delivered to the Guild Master of Shariz. Perhaps a Nord/Khergit alliance against the Vaegirs, or simply a holding maneuver while they pursue more territory elsewhere?īandits attack during a night visit in the village of Ayn Assuadi. On top of this, they broker a trade agreement with their Nord allies. The Khergits step out of the conflict with Swadia, ahead two castles and associated lands.

Let them claw at each other while he trades freely, perhaps marshaling his forces once more against the Sultanate when the truce between them expires. Apparently, King Graveth is determined not to involve himself on either side of the war. On the road, word comes that a trade agreement has been signed between Rhodoks and Nords.

We continue on our way to Shariz (I think I may have said Barriye before).