when you reach the tracks, turn to the right. From the maintenance yard, run back up towards the railroad tracks. Cache is on the side of a fallen tree that is sticking upwards at a diagonal.Ĭache #6 - This note is found in BR. You can find the cache by turning around, running across the small pond and go up the hill to your left immediately following the pond. Go to the hunting lodge in BR and look to the side of the entrance steps. Follow the river all the way down and you will find it by some rocks on the right hand side.Ĭache #5 - This note is easy to spot. When you reach the collapsed part of the tracks, go down onto the river. The cache is in the Broken Railroad region. At the last crashed section of train, close to the entrance of BR, there is a frozen body with a "Blood Soaked Note" at its feet. The cache can be found near the entrance for Forlorn Muskeg near the rail tunnel.Ĭache #4 - The cache note is in Forlorn Muskeg on the railway. Check your map for a more direct location.Ĭache #3 - You can find the note for this cache, labeled "Illegible Note" inside of the Forestry Lookout (the one that is not destroyed). It is kind of near the destroyed outlook path near a stump and fallen log. The cache will direct you to the clearcut area in the NW area of the map. It is an unlocked cabin that is next to the locked "Cabin #2". This cave is on the right side of the map south of Carter Dam near the Hunter's Blind.Ĭache #2 - The note can be found in one of the lake cabins on the SE side of Mystery Lake. You can find the cache for this note in Alan's Cave. When you come into the room where the first aid locker is, it is on the right from the door in the corner on a desk. The note is on the second floor in the offices.

Keep in mind that this area of the Mountain Town map has changed since the Redux update.Ĭache #1 - You can find the note inside of the Carter Dam. You can find the cache for this note inside of the cave that is directly behind the radio tower.

The cache can be found behind the church area behind a fallen tree.Ĭache #3 - The note for this cache is found inside of a house at the edge of Milton on top of a large hill. It is behind one of the houses between Greymother's house and the gas station.Ĭache #2 - This note is found inside of a blue car in Milton on the way to the gas station from Greymother's house. Look down and you will see a note sticking out of the chimney that will inform you of the first cache location. At the back of the building there is a chimney. Those caches have an achievement of their own.Ĭache #1 - There is a burned down school a couple houses down from the back of the bank in Milton. I can also confirm that the forest talker caches do NOT affect this achievement. You must find the note before you can locate the cache. I have had problems with caches not appearing on the map because I did not take the note with me. When finding the notes for the caches, you should always read them AND pick them up.